Displaying an American flag at your home or your business shows off your American pride and your patriotism. However, before you hang the flag, it’s important to know that there are flag etiquette rules and regulations to follow to be respectful of the flag and follow Public Law flag codes.
Keep reading to learn the basics of displaying an American flag on your property.
Flag Orientation
The U.S. flag needs to have the union (the stars) in the top left corner for the observer. This orientation should be true whether it’s displayed horizontally or vertically.
If you’re hanging it in a window, the union must still appear to be in the top left corner for an observer outside the window.
If the flag is displayed on a pole projecting from a building, the proper flag etiquette is to have the union at the peak of the pole.
Time of Day
The American flag is only meant to be displayed from sunrise to sunset each day, lowering it during the nighttime hours. However, there are rules to follow if you wish to fly it for 24 hours.
If you’re planning to display the flag overnight, the proper flag etiquette is to have the flag illuminated during the night hours. There are flag lights you can purchase that attach to the light pole that’ll illuminate the flag during hours of darkness.
With Other Flags
If you’re planning to display an American flag along with other flags, there are certain rules you must follow.
Same Flagpole
If you’re flying multiple flags on the same flagpole, fly the U.S. flag at the top. No flag should be flown above the American flag.
Additionally, leave 6 inches between the American flag and the flag flown below it.
Adjacent Poles
Some choose to display multiple flags on separate, adjacent flag poles.
Raise and lower the American flag first in the line of flags. There should never be a flag flown to the right side of the American flag (to the left side, for the observer).
Crossed Poles
As with adjacent poles, the American flag should be the right-most flag. Cross the pole holding the American flag in front of the other flagpole.
What Not to Do
There are quite a few things that you’re not to do with the American flag, according to proper flag etiquette.
Regarding the display, the union of the flag is never to be displayed facing down. You’re also not to put the union in the top right corner, as we mentioned earlier.
Never put the U.S. flag in a position to be damaged or soiled. Don’t allow it to touch the ground, the floor, or water of any kind.
Never use the flag to hold anything or be used as an item of clothing. Do not modify the U.S. flag with any designs or logos.
Flag Etiquette for Displaying an American Flag: Wrapping Up
Displaying the American flag is a great way to honor your country and the people who live here. Following these rules and regulations ensures your utmost respect for the flag and the country it represents.
For more information on flag etiquette and to purchase a flag of your own, check out our website.
Eagle Flag is your one-stop shop for all things flag. Serving customers for more than 10 years, we’re known for our affordable, heavyweight flags, and our attention to detail. We’re proud to offer a variety of flags, poles and hardware, bunting, and other items to help you put your pride on display! All of our flags are Made in the U.S.A.